Personal cloud service Jolicloud Me hits 100,000 user mark

April 13, 2012


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Jolicloud Me, a personal cloud service that attempts to organise your online assets across the social web, has reached 100,000 users after being released in private beta less than one month ago.

The service currently integrates with Facebook, Flickr, Instagram, Picasa, Tumblr and Twitter, with many more to follow. The great thing about Jolicloud Me is that it aggregates various media content from your social services, like images posted to Facebook or tweeted video links, sorts accordingly in categories and displays in chronological order. So along with the photos I posted on Facebook recently, I can also view the ones I shared on Twitter or Instagram in a single stream.

Images grouped in Jolicloud Me

Images grouped in Jolicloud Me

Videos grouped in Jolicloud Me

Videos grouped in Jolicloud Me

Jolicloud Me’s iOS app will soon be on its way, having already been submitted to the App Store for approval. An Android app is available to try in limited beta.

A glimpse into the future of Jolicloud Me would see email service integration, so any media content attached to or linked to in emails would automatically be stored appropriately to your personal cloud – very handy!


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Albizu Garcia

Albizu Garcia is the Co-Founder and CEO of Gain -- a marketing technology company that automates the social media and content publishing workflow for agencies and social media managers, their clients and anyone working in teams.


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